Visa Refusals

Visa Refusal
A visa refusal occurs when a visa application that has been submitted is declined by the Department of Home Affairs.
Reasons why a visa may be refused
character issues
applicant has provided false or misleading information
failure to satisfy the English language test
breach of visa conditions
applicant has not convinced the Department of Home Affairs that they are a genuine tourist when applying for a visitor visa
applicant has not convinced the Department of Home Affairs that they are a genuine student when applying for a student visa.
Appealing a Visa Refusal
If a visa is refused, you may be able to apply for a review of the decision. The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) is responsible for undertaking a merits review of departmental decisions, including visa refusal decisions. Appeals have strict time limits.
Contact Us
Canberra Visa & Migration Services has significant experience dealing with visa refusals. If you need any assistance, please contact our office to to arrange a consultation.

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